How to Market your NFT on OpenSea – Tried and Tested in 2023

Launching an NFT collection is an incredibly exciting experience. Your artwork is created, your NFTs have come to life but now you need to market the collection on OpenSea and find more buyers.

With so many NFT projects launching on OpenSea recently, it is becoming harder and harder to stand out.

Original NFT projects, copycats, memes, and shills are all fighting for NFT buyer eyes, but the successful OpenSea NFT collections are all following a very similar marketing process and blueprint.

Ways to market an NFT on OpenSea include:

  1. Create a Twitter account and post regular tweets
  2. Create an Instagram account to show off your artwork
  3. Create a YouTube channel and post story, explainer and artwork teasing videos
  4. Build a community on Discord from your Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube audience
  5. Promote your NFTs through NFT influencers
  6. Collaborate with other NFT Projects
  7. Hold NFT or ETH giveaways and competitions to drive awareness
  8. Update your social media channels with fresh content regularly and consistently

In this guide we’ll look in-depth at all these ways to market your NFTs, including the exact steps involved and how you can repeat this process again and again for future OpenSea NFT launches.

Use Twitter to market your NFT brand on OpenSea

Twitter is by far the most used social media platform to discuss, share, promote and market NFTs.

Almost all NFT collections start building an audience on Twitter before building a community or launching an NFT on OpenSea.

If though you do not have a Twitter account you should register for one, for free, on the Twitter home page.

By posting images of your artwork, submitting creative tweets and encouraging other NFT users to like and follow you, it can quickly build an audience.

Many NFT owners market their OpenSea NFT collection by offering a whitelist and a free airdrop as well as Ethereum and NFT giveaways, and to enter the competition users are encouraged to like, retweet, and tag their NFT friends into the post.

This hack can not only make your tweets spread at a much faster rate, but this engagement on your Twitter post can send good signals to the Twitter engine which may in turn show your tweets to other similar minded NFT enthusiasts.

It doesn’t take long to find Twitter accounts belonging to a specific NFT project, but if you are really struggling simply look at any NFT collection page on OpenSea where they have a direct link to the NFTs Twitter page, as shown in the screenshot below:

Twitter link on an OpenSea NFT page

Instagram promotion to share your NFT artwork

Instagram being the visual social media platform is perfectly suited to promoting artwork and individual NFTs from a collection.

Although it’s often the overlooked platform it won’t be long before Instagram becomes a mainstream platform for NFTs due to their planned launch of NFT buying and trading through collections on the platform.

This gives a chance for NFT collections to get in early and share in some of the potential early adopter successes.

Opening an account and posting images is free, easy and can even be done using a cell phone.

Use NFT related hashtags to market your OpenSea NFTs, and as Instagram posts cannot include URLs, make sure visitors to your post are either encouraged to check out your bio where you can add your OpenSea link, or find a way for viewers to find your NFTs.

NFT marketing through YouTube

Market NFTs on YouTube

Although YouTube was an overlooked marketing channel for NFTs, it is quickly becoming a popular marketing medium.

Not every influencer or NFT creator wants to appear on a YouTube video, which is why those people find it easier to build an audience on the more text-based Twitter, but it is possible to market your OpenSea NFT artwork on YouTube without showing your face.

You could visually show your artwork with a voiceover, or music background.

Whatever marketing content you produce represents your NFT brand, so it needs to be visually pleasing, engaging and something an NFT community would like to be part of.

This is very under-served right now, and only a tiny fraction of NFT projects are embarking on a full YouTube channel, but the next NFT project that does this right could easily mint out and make over a million dollars.

Build an NFT Community on Discord

So far, we have talked about how to attract an audience and start gaining followers and traction in the NFT space.

This start of an NFT marketing funnel is with the goal of building an engaged community who can interact together and form relationships.

This type of interaction really isn’t possible on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, but works very well on Discord.

The NFT marketing funnel usually starts at these social media platforms and dedicated followers and those passionate about your brand can be encouraged to join other followers of your community on Discord.

Discord is a platform where users can hang out, chat in real time, engage and share. It also is a great platform for NFT creators to speak to their community and build hype.

Twitter followers are often encouraged to join Discord to be whitelisted for a project, and often Discord can be invite-only where the limited supply of Discord places, plus demand for the project, creates even more demand and ultimately a desire to be a part.

Some NFT projects have followers looking for every option they have, and spending a lot of time, just trying to get in to the NFT Discord channel.

This is excellent marketing and the goal of every NFT OpenSea collection!

The Power of NFT Influencers

Despite the best attempts and the most creative marketing schedule, you may need a little help.

Build a community on social media doesn’t take days or weeks, it takes months and even sometimes years.

Some high-profile YouTube influencers took years to reach 1 million subscribers, and continuously posted video after video after video in the ghost town stage, with only a handful of video watchers per video, but didn’t give up.

Unfortunately, the NFT industry is changing so often that by the time you have successfully and organically created a good following, the NFT space may have pivoted and the NFT collection you had to market is no more in trend.

NFT influencers can give you an immediate boost.

Although occasionally NFT influencers recommend NFT projects for free if they are interested in them, these projects usually are brought to their attention due to a high-profile launch or high-profile founders.

As you can imagine these NFT influencers are bombarded day after day with NFT projects desperate to get a shout out or mention.

The NFT influencers know the power of their audience, and the asset they have, and so will often have a fee to promote NFT collections.

There are, many fake ‘NFT influencers’ on Twitter especially who paid for bots to boost their Twitter follower numbers and use bots to like and retweet their posts on other fake Twitter accounts.

It’s almost become an industry. Fake ‘NFT influencers’ can charge unsuspecting NFT projects up to $2,000 for a pinned tweet promoting their projects. The tweet is often pinned as promised but rarely gives the expected results.

You need to do your own research and due diligence when looking for NFT influencers.

Look at who is following them, who is like and engaging with their tweets. If they promote other NFT projects have those projects taken off and become successful etc.

The right NFT Influencers can provide an incredible marketing boost to NFTs on OpenSea.

Market NFTs on OpenSea through Collaborations

Good NFT influencers can be instrumental to marketing an NFT collection but can be expensive.

There is another way.

Collaboration with other NFT projects is often a free way to gain exposure to your own NFTs.

Collaboration works by asking an existing NFT project to promote your NFTs in exchange for a reward for their own NFT members and holders.

For example, you may hold a competition to giveaway 30 whitelist spots to an NFT projects and their followers and NFT holders.

The NFT project benefits as they are providing value to their community, and you benefit by free promotion for whitelist spots you may have given away anyway on your own social media accounts.

This type of collaboration really is win-win.

I’ve always found it best to approach NFT communities you are already a part of and especially those I have already bought NFTs within.

The founders of those projects are often happier to promote other NFT from owners within the confines of their community rather than outsiders just looking for free promotion.

It often works well to message the NFT projects via Discord rather than Twitter.

NFT Giveaways and Competitions to raise awareness

Nothing attracts the NFT community faster than a freebie!

Whitelist spaces, free Eth giveaways, free NFT mints and airdrops are all great giveaway items to attract an audience and help build more followers.

Twitter by far is the best social media platform to do this.

For example, here is a giveaway Tweet from an NFT project:

Example of an NFT giveaway tweet on twitter with high engagement

It’s easy to see what the giveaway is, clear instructions on how to enter the competition and importantly it encourages engagement and followers.

Competitions can be posted regularly.

For example, if you plan to giveaway 500 whitelist spots, you could giveaway 50 every day for 10 days, or even 25 a day for 20 days.

Every giveaway post will attract a new audience and the potential for more followers.

Regular and Consistent Social Media Updates

It can feel very demotivating in the early social media marketing days of OpenSea NFT collections.

Post after post with only a couple of likes, and little to no followers.

After a few weeks many projects give up and walk away believing the approach isn’t working and try something new.

All the work put in so far gone to waste, and they could be walking away just before their channels were about to take off.

One consistent is seen again and again on social media platforms as to who they promote and share more, and it’s those users who post creatively, add value and post regularly and consistently.

You almost need to prove your commitment to your social media account by continuously posting in the early ghost town phase, before being rewarded later.

If you plan to take this route and build a community organically without the help of expensive influencers or collaborations, you need to factor an NFT market plan and time schedule of many months, even a year or more.

Yes, it is possible to go viral, but this happens to a tiny, (tiny), percentage of posts. It’s not very probable and shouldn’t be relied upon.

If you are willing to put in the time, add value, be helpful, be creative and always be regular and consistent, your NFT marketing efforts to promote your OpenSea NFTs could be rewarded.

How to Market your NFT on OpenSea – In Conclusion

There are many ways to market NFTs on OpenSea through various social media platforms.

Twitter should be the first place to start, but Instagram and YouTube should be considered and then encourage users to be part of a bigger more concentrated community on Discord.

Influencers and collaborations can work behind the scenes to give your NFT marketing efforts an additional boost.

Get the marketing right and your NFTs project can sell out and have the success it deserves!

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